7. We broke up the night before we actually broke up.

I said “so I thinks we should talk about the fact that I’m moving to a different continent.”

He said “I ‘ve meaning to talk to you about that but I didn’t want to be sad.”

We decided to break up when my dad picked me up to bring me to the airport the next morning.

He hugged me and lifted me off the floor before I left.

We haven't talked since.



11. He was doing his internship quite far away

and I left for art school elsewhere

and then he broke up with me.

Because we had grown apart....

I didn’t agree at first ,

but I do.



12. We had a long distance relationship for quite a while.

I thought it wasn’t quite well until one night she started screaming that I was a loser

‘only good at cooking and fucking’.

The next morning I took the first plane back home.

She kept sending me emails for a while.

I didn’t answer.

That was 8 Years ago.

Now we meet every year.

Now and then, and talk about the amazing sex once we had

and complain about our current sex life.

But we both agreed never to have sex again.

We prefer the memory.



17. Long distance is hard.

He saw me hanging a tree.

and he decided to broke up.

Of my Goodness !

Artez vooropleiding dans venlo was here.

Long distance relations stressed a lot.

Forgotten shit again,

Forgotten everyone.



It tired.



28. Not always my girlfriend from Australia broke up with me via skype.

and now I will never see her again which makes me very sad.

